1/6 Committee Drops The Hammer On Jim Jordan And Requests Testimony On Trump Coup

The 1/6 Committee has sent a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) requesting that he testify about 1/6 violence and his role in Trump’s coup plot.

1/6 Committee Wants Testimony About Trump’s Conversations With Jim Jordan And The Coup Plot

1/6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) wrote to Jordan:

The violence at the Capitol began early in the afternoon on January 6th.  It did not abate until after 4:17 p.m. when President Trump issued a videotaped message instructing the rioters to leave, coupling that message with statements praising them as ‘very special’ and stating, ‘I know how you feel.’ During the multiple hours of violence, many efforts were made to reach President Trump and his Chief of Staff to urge that President Trump immediately appear ‘on TV,’ make a public statement, give an ‘oval [office] address’ or otherwise instruct that the rioters disperse, ‘go home,’ and leave the Capitol. Multiple of these communications, including from the President’s son, made clear that none of the President’s tweets had or would quell the violence, and that a public statement instructing the rioters to leave the Capitol was required. Indeed, the President’s tweet condemning Vice President Pence appeared to enflame the rioters further.

Despite the urgent requests that the President speak and instruct the rioters to leave, President Trump did not make such a statement for multiple hours as rioters attacked police and invaded and occupied the Capitol.  The Select Committee has testimony indicating that the president was watching television coverage of the attack from his private dining room adjoining the Oval Office during this time period. Even after the crowd ultimately dispersed late in the day, then-President Trump, through his legal team, continued to seek to delay or otherwise impede the electoral count. And Mr. Trump’s tweet from that evening further revealed his perspective on the violence: ‘These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long.’

We understand that you had at least one and possibly multiple communications with President Trump on January 6th. We would like to discuss each such communication with you in detail.


Public reporting suggests that you may also have information about meetings with White House officials and the then-President in November and December 2020, and early-January 2021, about strategies for overturning the results of the 2020 election. We would also like to ask you about any discussions involving the possibility of presidential pardons for individuals involved in any aspect of January 6th or the planning for January 6th.  When you were asked during a Rules Committee hearing on October 20, 2021, whether you would be willing to share with the Select Committee the information you have regarding January 6th and the events leading up to that day, you responded, ‘I’ve said all along, “I have nothing to hide.” I’ve been straightforward all along.’

The Net Is Beginning To Tighten Around Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan has been evasive and lying about his communications with Trump on 1/6 for months. Trump himself directly linked Jim Jordan by name to the coup plot.

Jordan has already stated that he will refuse to cooperate with the 1/6 Committee in any way, so the committee looks to be laying the groundwork for subpoenaing Jim Jordan, and if he refuses to comply, criminally charging him with contempt of Congress.

Things have gotten very bad, very quickly for Jim Jordan.

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