5 taboos to note when visiting any Hausa Land

5 taboos to note when visiting any Hausa Land

Visiting a new and unfamiliar place and seeing how things are done there can sometimes be shocking. It helps to have a foreknowledge of such places to better adapt to their way of the land.

As a foreigner in a new place, never trivialize people’s culture or customs; choosing to be ignorant about such things could cost one severe punishment like landing in jail or paying a huge fine.

The Hausas make up the northern part of Nigeria; they are mostly Muslims, and, as such, some of their taboos originate from the Quran. If you are visiting any Hausa land in Nigeria soon, here are some things you should note.

1. Avoid dressing indecently

Ladies are expected to be fully covered and clothed at all times. Some parts of the land are highly religious; to avoid embarrassment, it is advised to wear clothes that properly cover the body.

The consumption of alcohol publicly is highly prohibited in the north. Government measures have been implemented to persecute anyone who defiles this law.

Consumption and sales of any alcoholic drink are forbidden. Imagine visiting a Hausa-oriented place and landing in prison on the first night? Be informed.

3. Consumption of pork meat and its products

Consumption of pork or pig meat as well as other associated products is forbidden. The Hausa people refer to the pig as an unclean animal, as stated by the Quran, and its sales and consumption is a very grievous offense.

4. Peeing in an upright manner

Men are expected to squat to pee, unlike in other places where men remain on their feet.

This is a conventional way they pee; now, it may not be an offense punishable by law if a stranger in the land pees while standing; it could just look strange to them as it is not the norm. Ladies also should not be seen peeing anywhere in public.

5. Dressing in silk and gold

It is against religious belief to allow men to wear silk or gold. Women, however, are encouraged to adorn themselves with such luxurious things.

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