5 ways to avoid weight gain during the festive period

5 ways to avoid weight gain during the festive period

Here’s how not to get overweight from festive eating.

Stock up on carrots, cabbage, lettuce and fruits like oranges, pineapple and bananas. The great thing about vegetables and fruits is that they are quite filling. You can also make salads and smoothies with them.

One reason people eat a lot is wherever they are during the festive period, they are offered food that’s so high in calories. This can be sorted out by eating healthy before you go out, so you can say no when offered food.

This is an unknown hack, but if you must eat jollof rice, plantain, pounded yam and all sorts, use a small plate which would reduce your portion size, so you are not overfed.

There are so many alternatives to soda. Like freshly squeezed juice and even yoghurt. Keep your alcohol level to a minimal level because alcohol even has as many calories as soda.

Don’t just eat and sit down during the holidays, you have got to move around! When you feel stuffed and almost constipated, drink a lot of water and take a long walk.

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