Will Smith Slap

Will Smith Apologizes For Oscar Outburst Ahead Of Upcoming Movie

American movie actor, Will Smith has stated that he is expecting a poor reception of his upcoming movie, Emancipation from fans due to his actions several months ago at the Oscars.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air actor in March 2022 slapped American comedian, Chris Rock who was the host of the Oscar Award ceremony for making a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s baldness.

Speaking at the Entertainment Weekly conference on Monday, the actor stated that he wants his fans to forgive him for his mistakes and support his new movie, Emancipation.

He went on to urge his fans to set aside grievances and support good content.

“The only discomfort my heart has around that is that so many people have done spectacular work on this film.

“My hope is that my team isn’t penalised at all for my actions. I think (director) Antoine (Fuqua) and (cinematographer) Robert (Richardson) and Ben (Foster) and Charmaine (Bingwa) — everyone has done such spectacular work.”

He continued: “I definitely lose a couple of winks of sleep every night thinking that I could have potentially penalised my team, but I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that everyone gets seen in the light that they deserve.”

Will Smith’s Emancipation will stream on December 2.

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