Here are 5 great reasons you should be friends with your ex

Here are 5 great reasons you should be friends with your ex

You spend months or years building a life with this person, forming strong bonds as you get to know and continuously fall in love with them.

Then along the way, things change, and just like that, your awesome relationship is over. Regardless of how things end, your heart is broken and life as you know it is no more.

Fortunately, the end of a relationship does not have to mean losing this wonderful person. Since good relationships have similar characteristics to good friendships, your former partner can go on to become a good friend if you handle things the right way.

Here are five solid reasons why you should be friends with your ex:

You liked them for a reason

The end of your relationship doesn’t change the fact that you liked something about them and apparently liked them enough to date them. You probably liked them because he/she is smart, understands your sense of humor… Ending things doesn’t change any of that, so it makes sense to hold on to them.

They already know and accept you for who you are

This is someone that you don’t have to explain yourself to, they already know all about you and are cool with you. Making friends as an adult is not always easy, so why lose a great person who accepts you for who you are? This is an important factor for introverts.

You avoid the awkwardness

Being friends with your ex means you don’t have to avoid your favourite places for fear of running into them. You don’t have to deal with any of that post-breakup awkwardness since you are cool with each other.

You both care about each other

Your feelings don’t disappear once a relationship ends. Yes, you are no longer in love with them, but you still care for them. You still want what’s best for them even if it isn’t you, which is part of the foundation of any good friendship.

Life is too short to be walking around with all that hate and anger. Does it suck that it didn’t work? Yes, but do you have to carry that kind of bitterness in your life? Absolutely, not. Being emotionally healthy enough to be cool with your ex feels good.

P.S: If you do decide to stay friends with your ex, make sure you do the following;

Give each other enough time to heal

Define your friendship and set boundaries.

Not everyone has what it takes to be friends with their ex, and that’s okay. Choose what works for you.

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