Ebubeagu commander and two APC members killed in Ebonyi

Ebubeagu commander and two APC members killed in Ebonyi

Ebubeagu commander and two APC members killed in Ebonyi

Two members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Commander of Ebubeagu in Ogboji Ward, Ezza North Local Government Area, Charles Nwankwo, have been killed by gunmen in Ebonyi State in Mkpuma Akpatakpa Community in Izzi Local Government Area.


They were reportedly attending an APC meeting late Friday January 20, in the community when the gunmen stormed the venue and opened fire on all present.


The hoodlums, who were said to be two in number, reportedly operated with a motorcycle. They fled the area after completing their mission.


The Nation reported that two persons were confirmed dead while two others who were injured are receiving treatment at the Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki.(AE-FUTHA).


They also killed one Charles Nwankwo who is the Commander of Ebubeagu in Ogboji Ward, Ezza north local government area.


They stormed the house of the Ebubeagu commander around 1am and shot him dead. The source noted that the gunmen carted away his motorcycle and gun.


A source told the publicaton; 


“Charles Nwankwo is Ebubeagu commander in Ogboji Ward, Ezza North LGA. Gunmen visited him at his home town in Ogboji community and shot him dead, collected his motorcycle and gun and ran away.”


Ebonyi Commander of Ebubeagu, Friday Ujor who confirmed the incident, said he’s yet to get full details of both incidents.

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