5 women hairstyles that are less than ₦5,000

5 women hairstyles that are less than ₦5,000

How can women look good on a budget?

You can even do this at home, but if you are not so good at it, go to a nearby salon – notice how I said a nearby salon not a fancy one.

All you need is to buy one hair extension or as they are popularly called attachments, that’s ₦1,800. After which, the hairdresser might collect about ₦2,000 and with ₦3,000 you look like Sade Adu. The downside is your hair should be relaxed or straightened for this style to last longer.

For this style, you need a copious amount of gel, and it’s a simple style for a hairdresser to mess up. You can reuse an old extension or buy a new one, and at the end of it, you would spend less than ₦5,000.

This hairstyle looks gorgeous on every woman. All she needs is her natural hair to make cornrows. You might add an extension and curl it if you want, but it’s not always necessary except your hair is short.

Again, go to a nearby salon for this, and it doesn’t matter if your hair is natural or not: you can twist or braid out your natural hair for less than ₦5,000.

Just step into a barber’s salon (again around your neighbourhood) and tell him you want to cut it all off and then dye it to your preferred colour.

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