Fresh allegations of racial abuse hit Australian football

Australian soccer is again engulfed in a racism controversy with Football NSW launching an investigation into allegations related to a match at the weekend.

Racial abuse allegedly took place in the third-round NSW NPL men’s game between Sydney United 58 FC and Leichhardt FC.

“Football Australia will provide any necessary support to Football NSW as it investigates the allegations,” a Football Australia statement read.

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“It will also be monitoring the investigative process and outcome to consider any implications on existing sanctions against the club.

“Football Australia and Football NSW have reiterated their commitment to a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of disrespectful, discriminatory or offensive behaviour at sanctioned events.”

The governing body said it as well as its member federations were committed to ensuring everybody could compete and enjoy the game “in a safe and inclusive environment”.

“Football Australia remains committed to promoting a safe and enjoyable environment for all football participants,” the statement said.

“The national governing body takes all allegations of discriminatory behaviour seriously and encourages anyone who has witnessed or experienced such to come forward and report it to the relevant authorities.”

After last year’s Australia Cup final was marred by anti-social behaviour, Sydney United was slapped with a $15,000 fine and some of the heaviest suspended sanctions ever dealt by Football Australia.

If Sydney United is found guilty after the raising of the fresh allegations, the club could be stripped of points and banned from tournaments.

In November, two people received life bans for performing Nazi salutes, while Sydney United supporters attracted criticism after failing to observe the pre-match Welcome to Country.

Fans were also condemned for displaying flags that promoted the Ustashe, a regime which supported the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi Germany.

Supporters also chanted “Za Dom — Spremni!”, a slogan also associated with the Ustashe regime.

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