Fox News Is Now Basically Doing Campaign Ads For Ron DeSantis

Fox News Is Now Basically Doing Campaign Ads For Ron DeSantis

Fox News has completely transitioned away from Trump and is now airing full-blown Ron DeSantis propaganda.

Here is Brian Kilmeade playing catch with DeSantis on Fox and Friends:

It’s Ron DeSantis. It’s baseball. It’s shameless propaganda.

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How does Trump respond to this is? Is he going to have Sean Hannity down to Mar-a-Lago for a game of tetherball?

Fox News used to be Trump’s news network. Now Brian Kilmeade is treating DeSantis like his new politics daddy while having a catch in the backyard. All that was missing from the Kilmeade clip was DeSantis standing up on his tippy toes to muss Kilmeade’s hair and tell him how proud he was of him.

The Fox effort to sell their viewers DeSantis is interesting because it comes at a time when the Dominion lawsuit filings show that Fox News isn’t actually in charge. The audience has been leading Fox for years.

What will the network do if viewers reject the DeSantis push and instead gravitate toward Trump? Fox will likely scramble back to be the pro-Trump network, and. Fox’s backing of Ron DeSantis will illustrate who is driving the bus. Either the viewers are dictating Fox’s program, or Fox News is shaping the direction of the Republican Party.

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