3 ways to include self-care in your busy schedule

3 ways to include self-care in your busy schedule

When you don’t take care of yourself in proportion to your busyness, you create an internal imbalance that leads to increased stress and a decline in health and happiness.

Sometimes we get caught up in our day-to-day routines and become extremely busy but there must always be time for self-care, no matter how hectic your schedule is. And taking care of yourself does not imply withdrawing from the world. It entails being true to what you require and paying attention to how you feel.

Self-care allows you to be more authentic and grounded in everything you do, but it works differently for everyone. Some people associate it with taking a candlelit bath. For others, it means taking an evening walk or watching the sunset.

For those who just want to start, the secret to getting ahead is starting small. Here are 3 ways you can include self-care in your busy schedule:

Recognizing your emotions is the first step toward making a change. If you feel good when you wake up, it sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Recognizing your feelings, whether positive or negative, will assist you in understanding what you need to do to take care of yourself and avoid ruining the rest of your day. Ignoring your feelings risks perpetuating a cycle of ignoring your own needs and feelings.

People frequently associate self-care with spending an entire day or afternoon at a spa, although this can be very relaxing, it necessitates a significant time commitment.

Instead, consider doing simple things every day that will brighten your day, like going for a walk, journaling, listening to your favorite album, reading your favorite book, meditating, shopping, treating yourself at a classic restaurant, and so on.

These are all ways to practice self-care and make room for activities that energize you rather than deplete you.

Approaching self-care time with seriousness and consistency is as important as actually doing it. Sticking to a schedule with ‘Me-time’ is important and should be noted on the calendar or included in your schedule.

Self-care is as important as a business meeting and creating a self-care list and/or a routine is a very good way to stay consistent.

Self-care can be many things, but one thing it should never be is optional. It is not a luxury to be indulged in when you have the time; it is an essential component of your personal wellness.

Here are some ideas of things that can be done as self-care:

  • Go to bed at a reasonable hour (or sleep in late)
  • Take a break from your electronic devices.
  • Send a gift to a friend as a surprise.
  • Allow yourself to indulge in your favorite guilty pleasure (chocolate, Netflix, bad 80s music, etc.)
  • Take a stroll in a park.
  • Go through your closet and select some items to donate.
  • Make a phone call to a friend or family just to talk.
  • Desist from working outside work hours.
  • Do something nice for another person.
  • Get a full body massage.
  • Practice skin care.
  • Register at a gym.

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