Georgina Onuoha

Georgina Onuoha Mocks Ekweremadu Over Jail Sentence, Issue Warning To Doctors

Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha, has mocked former deputy senate president, Ike Ekweremadu and his wife following their jail sentence in the United Kingdom.

Naija News reported that the 60-year-old Nigerian senator, his wife, and a medical doctor, Obinna Obeta were found guilty of conspiring to bring a market trader in Lagos to the UK for the purpose of harvesting his kidney for the use of the politician’s 25-year-old daughter, Sonia.

Ekweremadu’s wife Beatrice, 56, was handed 4 years, six months jail term, while the doctor involved in the case of organ trafficking got a 10-year jail term with his medical licence suspended.

Reacting via the comment section of an Instagram blog post, Georgina Onuoha said the jail term serves the senator and his wife right.

The thespian frowned at how politicians neglect the country’s healthcare system and rush abroad to get treated by Nigerian medical doctors they poorly treated in Nigeria.

She also alleged that Ekweremadu embezzled the millions of Naira he was given to build a hospital facility in Enugu State.

The actress further warned Nigerian doctors and medical practitioners never to sacrifice their licenses for anyone let alone Nigerian politicians.

She wrote: “And let the choir say Amen. Serves them right. Do not take advantage of anyone because you are in a place of power. Dear Nigerian doctors, nurses and caregivers, do not sacrifice your licenses for anyone let alone Nigerian politicians who deliberately neglect our healthcare system back home but can rush overseas to be treated by the same Nigerian clinicians they treat poorly back home.

“As for the ex-senator I hope they can extend his imprisonment. This same man was given millions if not billions to build hospitals back home in his state, he embezzled it. As for their daughter, I wish her well and good health.

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“If she was better advised I’m sure she would have made a different choice. If you speak up and ask for help, I’m sure someone somewhere would have helped her out. Best of luck young woman and I pray God send you help and healing”

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