How Tinubu, daughters marked MKO Abiola's 25th memorial anniversary

How Tinubu, daughters marked MKO Abiola’s 25th memorial anniversary

MKO, as fondly called, was arrested by Abacha in 1994 after the famous Epetedo declaration where he proclaimed himself as the democratically elected president of Nigeria.

This followed the annulment of the June 12, 1993 presidential election by former military Head of State, General Ibrahim Babangida.

The election, globally acclaimed as the freest and fairest in the history of the country, was terminated midway with Abiola leading in most of the states announced.

In his determination to correct the injustice, Abiola stood up to the military government at the time and eventually landed in custody after declaring himself the president.

He died barely a month after Abacha, who kept him in detention for four years, passed away in a mysterious circumstances.

In honouring the memory of the late symbol of democracy, President Bola Tinubu and Abiola’s two daughters, Wura Abiola and Aderinsola Abiola, paid glowing tributes to the fallen hero.

In a post on his Twitter page on Friday, Tinubu described Abiola as the true hero of the nation and champion of democracy, while also saluting his courage, integrity, and complete dedication to public service.

The President said, “Today, our nation honors the sacrifice and example of a true hero, Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale (MKO) Abiola, 25 years after his sad demise.

“A true champion of democracy, his courage and integrity, complete dedication to public service, exemplified the highest ideals of our great nation.

“His legacy endures and his message of hope echoes still. May Allah SWT grant him mercy and increase his rewards.”

Abiola’s daughter, Rinsola also took to her Twitter page to pen a moving tribute to her father.

She wrote “He meant a lot to many and means so much, still. For every smile he inspired, may his sins be struck out. For every heart he lifted, may Allah have mercy on him. For all that he did, for his sacrifice, for his loving heart, for his contributions in the way of Allah and commitment to helping others, may Allah grant him forgiveness.

“May Allah forgive his shortcomings and grant him Jannah. And may He grant all those he left behind and everyone still grieving ease and comfort.”

Wura, in a terse message on her Twitter handle, described her father as an awesome father and a great man.

#MKOAbiola (GCFR). An awesome father & a great man. Remembered, missed & loved 25 years on,” she tweeted.

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