Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife

Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife

Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife

Gunmen suspected to be hired assassins have attacked a pastor, Rev Samuel Chinyereugo, and killed his wife, Peace, in Edo State. 


It was gathered that the gunmen invaded the church, God’s Vineyard of Grace Dominion Assembly, located at 101, Upper Lawani Street, New Benin, Benin City around 7:36pm on Monday, August 14, 2023, and opened fire on the pastor. 


The assistant pastor was also said to have also sustained injuries on his head during the attack 


A source who did not want his name in print told Punch that the gunmen trailed the pastor who drove in the company of his wife to the church, where they rained bullets on them as soon as they parked their car in front of the church.


“Some members of the church, including the assistant pastor, were outside the church having a rehearsal ahead of a programme scheduled to commence that day when the pastor and his wife stopped by,” the source said. 


The cleric said that he had earlier noticed a car trailing him inside GRA, where he had visited a friend and he was shocked to see the same vehicle suddenly stop behind him in front of his church.


“One of the three armed men who alighted from the car approached the pastor, snatched the cross pendant on his necklace and the two other assailants opened fire from the rear


“The pastor’s wife was hit by bullets and she died at a hospital a few hours after, while her husband and his deputy were treated and discharged.”


Spokesperson of the police in the state, SP Chidi Nwabuzor, who confirmed the incident said the command has begun a full-scale investigation to apprehend those behind the act and bring them to justice. 


Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife
Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife


Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife
Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife
Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife
Suspected assassins storm Edo church, shoot pastor and kill his wife


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