No member of the UN would feel secure if Ukraine is carved up by Russia - US president Biden

No member of the UN would feel secure if Ukraine is carved up by Russia – US president Biden


No member of the UN would feel secure if Ukraine is carved up by Russia - US president Biden

US President, Joe Biden has stated that supporting Ukraine in its defense against Russia’s invasion is “not only investment in Ukraine’s future, but in the future of every country that values the basic UN rules of sovereignty and territorial integrity that apply equally to all nationsbig and small.”


Biden said this during his remarks at the United Nations General Assembly.

“We strongly support Ukraine in its efforts to bring about diplomatic resolution that delivers just and lasting peace. Russia alone, Russia alone, bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the the power to end this war immediately,” he said


“And it’s Russia alone that stands in the way of the peace. Because Russia’s price for peace is Ukraine’s capitulation, Ukraine’s territory and Ukraine’s children.

No member of the UN would feel secure if Ukraine is carved up by Russia - US president Biden

The US president said Moscow “believes that the world will grow weary and allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence.”

Biden suggested that no member states of the United Nations would feel secure if Ukraine is allowed “to be carved up.”

“We have to stand up to this naked aggression today, and deter other would-be aggressors tomorrow. That’s why the United States, together with our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stand with the brave people of Ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity and their freedom,” he added.

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