5 free suicide helplines in Nigeria if you or someone you know is at risk

5 free suicide helplines in Nigeria if you or someone you know is at risk

SURPIN Helpline Nigeria is a 24-hour hotline offering counselling, support, and referral services for individuals experiencing depression, anxiety, substance use, and suicidal thoughts in Nigeria, with counsellors fluent in Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba. Call them on tel:080 0078 7746

This platform provides 24/7, free, and confidential support to Nigerian youth experiencing emotional issues such as anxiety, bullying, depression, eating disorders, family issues, grief, loneliness, relationships, self-harm, stress, suicide, and trauma.

They are open 24/7, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year, so they are always available to help. MANI is available on all social media platforms.

The Human Development Initiative is a non-profit organisation that offers free, compassionate, and confidential phone support to all Nigerian citizens. They have volunteers who are friendly, empathetic, and supportive.

HDI helps people of all ages, genders, beliefs, and ethnicities, regardless of their age, gender, beliefs, or ethnicity. You can reach them on their website, via SMS, or by calling 0808 0551 376.

This is for children and teenagers who are victims of sexual abuse. Staff members of the Cece Yara 24-Hour Child Helpline are trained professionals who offer support, counsel, and knowledge to report or stop child sexual abuse in Nigeria. They arrange emergency assistance in Lagos State and Abuja while also providing referral services for other areas in the country.

Nigeria also has an emergency suicide prevention hotline for those contemplating suicide. They offer 24/7 confidential support and advice to young people struggling with suicidal thoughts and those concerned about them, while also engaging communities and volunteers in suicide prevention projects and providing training programmes for local councils, healthcare professionals, and school staff.

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