Priscilla Ojo's 3 fashion tips will make you look your best every single time

Priscilla Ojo’s 3 fashion tips will make you look your best every single time

It’s a no-brainer that her impeccable style would be on brand for Africa Glam, a new mobile game about African glitz, glamour, fashion, fame and everything Priscilla represents.

We had a quick chat with her to learn about all the secrets that leave her looking her best at all times.

  1. Always dress appropriately no matter where you’re going.
  2. Always make sure your hair is done.
  3. Focus on quality items over quantity.

I make sure I have breakfast every morning to start my day — it’s usually hectic so I need all the strength I can get. I have a short meeting with my glam team, we go through the client’s brief then a final check through the outfits, and then we head out to the location of the shoot. From then, it’s hair, makeup, styling, camera, lights and action!

On other days, I’m prepping to make an appearance at a client’s event, or I’m heading to the airport for a paid appearance outside the country. If I’m not working, I let my hair down, go for drinks and back home. But if I don’t have a shoot, I head to my office at Priscy’s Closet, a retail boutique I own.

My environment and my mum, Iyabo Ojo, inspire my glam. And, absolutely yes, Africa Glam can and will inspire aspiring fashionistas. It’s a unique app that’s fun and interesting and allows you to experiment with fashion.

My mum with her afro wigs.

To get a feel of Africa Glam games like Priscilla, download the app here to plot your way to stardom.

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