Nutrient-Rich Nigerian Delights: Parkinson's-Friendly Recipes For Wellness

Nutrient-Rich Nigerian Delights: Parkinson’s-Friendly Recipes For Wellness

By Chinelo Eze

21 November 2023   |  
5:00 pm

Creating meals for individuals with Parkinson’s disease requires consideration of their nutritional needs and potential challenges with motor skills. Here are three Nigerian meal recipes that are nutrient-rich, easy to chew and swallow, and can be adapted for individuals with Parkinson’s. 1. Vegetable Soup with Soft Fish Ingredients Spinach or ugu leaves (rich in iron…

Creating meals for individuals with Parkinson’s disease requires consideration of their nutritional needs and potential challenges with motor skills.

Here are three Nigerian meal recipes that are nutrient-rich, easy to chew and swallow, and can be adapted for individuals with Parkinson’s.

1. Vegetable Soup with Soft Fish

  • Spinach or ugu leaves (rich in iron and vitamins)
  • Fluted pumpkin leaves (ugu)
  • Soft fish (tilapia or catfish)
  • Tomatoes, onions, and peppers
  • Palm oil
  • Stockfish or smoked fish for flavour
  • Seasonings (ginger, garlic, and low-sodium seasoning cubes)
  • Waterleaf (optional)

1. Wash and chop the vegetables.
2. In a pot, combine chopped tomatoes, onions, and peppers with palm oil and seasonings. Cook until the oil separates.
3. Add cleaned and deboned soft fish, stockfish/smoked fish, and water if needed.
4. Once the fish is cooked, add the chopped vegetables and simmer until they are tender.
5. Serve the soup with soft, easily chewable fufu or rice.

2. Mashed Yam with Egusi Soup

  • Yam
  • Egusi seeds
  • Leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach or kale)
  • Tomatoes, onions, and peppers
  • Palm oil
  • Seasonings (ginger, garlic, and low-sodium seasoning cubes)
  • Cooked and shredded chicken or fish

1. Peel and boil yams until they are soft. Mash them with a fork or potato masher.
2. In a separate pot, prepare the egusi soup by blending egusi seeds and cooking them with tomatoes, onions, and peppers in palm oil.
3. Add seasonings, cooked chicken or fish, and leafy vegetables to the egusi soup.
4. Simmer until the soup thickens, and the vegetables are tender.
5. Serve the mashed yam with a generous portion of egusi soup.

3. Oatmeal with Nigerian Flavours

  • Oats
  • Water or milk
  • Bananas or plantains
  • Groundnuts (peanuts) or cashews
  • Honey or maple syrup
  • Cinnamon

1. Cook oats according to package instructions, using water or milk for a creamier consistency.
2. Slice bananas or plantains and sauté them in a pan until golden.
3. Add groundnuts or cashews to the pan and lightly toast them.
4. Mix the sautéed fruits and nuts into the cooked oats.
5. Drizzle with honey or maple syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon for added flavour.

These recipes incorporate nutrient-dense ingredients while considering the chewing and swallowing difficulties that may be associated with Parkinson’s disease. Always consult with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist to ensure the meals meet the specific dietary needs of the individual.

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