Nurturing Health And Happiness: Key Health Fact To Embrace During The Festive Season

Nurturing Health And Happiness: Key Health Fact To Embrace During The Festive Season

By Itoro Victoria Oladokun

17 December 2023   |  
9:30 am

The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Amidst the merriment, it’s crucial to prioritise our health and well-being. Adopting mindful practices during this period can contribute to a healthier and happier start to the new year. Here are some key health facts to take cognisance of during the festive period: 1.…

The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Amidst the merriment, it’s crucial to prioritise our health and well-being.

Adopting mindful practices during this period can contribute to a healthier and happier start to the new year. Here are some key health facts to take cognisance of during the festive period:

1. Mindful Eating
Indulging in festive treats is a tradition, but it’s essential to approach food with mindfulness. Enjoy the delectable delights in moderation and strive for a balance between rich holiday foods and nutrient-dense options. Incorporate colourful fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into your meals to ensure a well-rounded and nourishing diet.

2. Hydration Habits
With the abundance of festive beverages, it’s easy to overlook the importance of staying hydrated. Aim to drink adequate water throughout the day to support digestion, maintain energy levels, and keep your skin glowing. Limit the consumption of sugary and alcoholic drinks, and intersperse them with water to stay refreshed.

3. Prioritise Physical Activity
Maintaining an exercise routine during the festive season can be challenging, but it is crucial for overall well-being. Find creative ways to stay active, such as taking a family walk after meals, dancing to festive tunes, or engaging in outdoor activities. Regular physical activity not only helps manage weight but also boosts mood and reduces stress.

4. Rest and Rejuvenate
Amidst the hustle and bustle, prioritise rest and sufficient sleep. Lack of sleep can impact both physical and mental health. Establish a bedtime routine, create a relaxing sleep environment, and ensure you get the recommended hours of sleep to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the day’s festivities.

5. Stress Management Techniques
The festive season can bring joy, but it can also be a source of stress due to various commitments—practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to alleviate tension. Set realistic expectations, delegate tasks, and make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

6. Hand Hygiene and Infection Prevention
With gatherings and social events, the risk of infections increases. Prioritise hand hygiene by washing hands regularly and carrying hand sanitiser. If you feel unwell, consider wearing a mask, especially in crowded or enclosed spaces, to protect yourself and others.

7. Moderate Alcohol Consumption
While celebrating with friends and family, be mindful of alcohol consumption. Excessive drinking can have adverse effects on health and well-being. Set limits, alternate alcoholic drinks with water, and know your tolerance levels to ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration.

8. Connect and Nurture Relationships
The festive season is a time for connection and meaningful relationships. Foster positive social interactions, spend quality time with loved ones, and express gratitude. Strong social connections contribute to mental and emotional well-being.

9. Travel Safely
If you’re travelling during the festive period, prioritise safety. Follow travel guidelines, wear seat belts, and avoid risky behaviours on the road. Plan to reduce the stress associated with travel and ensure a smooth journey.

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