Latinos Fed Up With Broken Borders, Moving To GOP: 'I Want Trump Back'

Latinos Fed Up With Broken Borders, Moving To GOP: 'I Want Trump Back'


mexicans support trump
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America’s broken borders are a problem for all Americans, not just the poor souls who live along the border with Mexico.

But especially, and understandably, for Latino Americans.

‘I Want Trump Back’

As a trip to El Paso, Texas revealed to reliably left-leaning Politico Magazine:

The growing appeal of a pro-Trump, hardline immigration mentality was even evident here, in a city where more than 80 percent of the population is Hispanic or Latino, and in a county where Biden pummeled Trump by more than 35 percentage points three years ago…

“Get the key and lock the gates,” said Rick Delgado, a Navy veteran who told me he leans Democratic and who keeps a U.S. Customs and Border Protection number in his phone.

He said he thinks Biden is “doing whatever he can.” But it was the state — not the Biden administration — that had strung razor wire on the Texas side of the Rio Grande and passed legislation that would authorize police to arrest migrants .

Compared to Biden, Delgado said, Texas’ hardline Republican governor, Greg Abbott, “is doing a better job.”

“It’s getting really bad with a lot of the people coming in,” said Simental, who was born in the Mexican state of Chihuahua and immigrated with her family when she was 12. She didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, she said. But lately, she’s thinking differently about it.

“Now,” she told me, “I want Trump back.”

These stories seem to sound quite a bit different than the usual narrative heard from the talking heads on the TV networks or in the angry ramblings of liberals online. There are some obvious reasons for that.

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Latinos Also Want to Fix Broken Border

The typical assumption by many Democrats is that Latino voters would reject Trump because of his stance on enforcing the southern border.

But as it turns out, they want the border enforced too. They feel similar effects as everyone else – hits to wages, fewer available jobs, drugs in their neighborhoods, and more.

Politico went to El Paso likely looking for a narrative that was decidedly anti-Trump.

What they found seems to be an entirely different picture.

Kellyanne Conway Says For Democrats It’s Always January 6: They Get In Electric Vehicle And ‘Go Get An Abortion’

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is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He has been a special guest on Fox News, Sirius XM, appeared as the guest of various popular personalities, and has had a lifelong interest in right-leaning politics.


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