Otti has come to repair Abia after 24 years in wilderness - Obi of Onitsha

Otti has come to repair Abia after 24 years in wilderness – Obi of Onitsha

The roads include Old Court Road, Ehi Road, and Kent Road, all located in Aba, Abia’s commercial capital.

Speaking at the event, the Obi of Onitsha said, “Otti is God-sent. After 24 years in the wilderness (of the state), Otti has come to repair Abia State and Aba.

Aba used to be number one in business and industry, but since one year ago Otti came in, things have changed. By God’s grace, the changes will continue like that for the four years he will be in office.

“You put him there and must support him to deliver a democracy dividend to you,” he said.

He also thanked the contractor and the direct labour agency under the Ministry of Works for ensuring the successful completion of the projects.

“This is your government, and the most important thing is for your government to work for you,” he said.

Otti vowed to build more infrastructure to turn around the state’s economic fortune, starting with the remodelling of Enyimba Hotels Aba into a five-start facility and a convention centre.

He noted that all his administration’s efforts are geared towards transforming Aba into one of the best cities in the country.

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