Rachel Maddow Unloads On The 44 Republicans Who Voted To Kill The Senate Impeachment Trial

During her program on Tuesday night, Rachel Maddow unloaded on the 44 Republican senators who voted against moving forward with Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

The MSNBC host called the latest GOP argument against impeachment nonsensical, particularly because it’s the exact opposite of what they were saying just a few weeks ago.

“Today, 44 out of 50 Republican senators voted that this Senate impeachment trial right now shouldn’t be happening at all, voting essentially that this trial could have only happened while Trump was still president, even though they themselves were the ones who blocked that from happening when they were in charge,” Maddow said.


Maddow said:

Well, today, 44 out of 50 Republican senators voted that this Senate impeachment trial right now shouldn’t be happening at all, voting essentially that this trial could have only happened while Trump was still president, even though they themselves were the ones who blocked that from happening when they were in charge. They were the ones who insisted that there would be no trial while Trump was in office. They now say because he wasn’t tried while he was in office, he should not be tried at all. They will not allow him to be tried while he’s president, and they will not allow him to be tried after he’s president, and that’s how they roll. And that’s what we know.

First it was too soon, now it’s too late

If Republicans wanted to come off as credible in their argument against Donald Trump’s impeachment and conviction, they could have at least remained consistent.

Instead, they bent themselves into a pretzel over the past month, first saying that Trump’s impeachment was too soon, and then voting on Tuesday to declare the trial unconstitutional, arguing that it’s too late.

While the GOP argument against Trump’s impeachment trial has been all over the place, one thing has been consistently clear: Republicans are too cowardly to put their country before Donald Trump.

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