House Democrats Move To Stop GOP Voter Suppression By Passing Largest Expansion Of Voting Rights Since 1965

House Democrats responded to the nationwide Republican voter suppression campaign by passing the For The People Act, which would be the largest expansion of voting rights since 1965.

The For The People Act contains several vital reforms, including protection of voting rights, fixing the campaign finance system, and reform gerrymandering.

Speaker Pelosi said at a press event before the vote, “So, what we are doing in this fight that we’re engaged in is to empower the people. This is called the For The People bill. And in doing so, we combat big, dark, special-interest money in politics and amplify the voice of the American people. We fight foreign interference in our elections, foreign interference in our elections. We expand voting rights. We fight political gerrymandering and we crackdown on corruption.”

The bill is supported by President Biden, and if Senate Democrats want to protect voting rights, dismantle Citizens United, and end gerrymandering, they need to weaken the filibuster and pass the For The People Act with a simple majority of 51 votes.

The Senate filibuster is the only thing standing between the American people and the biggest expansion of voting rights since 1965.

If Democrats are sincere about handing democracy back to the people, they will do whatever it takes to get the For The People Act passed in the Senate.

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