Kate Henshaw shares five sources of motivation - The Nation News Nigeria

Kate Henshaw shares five sources of motivation – The Nation News Nigeria

By Sampson Unamka


Kate Henshaw recently shared five things that motivate her in an exclusive chat with The Nation.

The ageless actress said, “first and foremost know who you are, if you don’t know who you are people will tell you who you are, people will want you to act a certain way, secondly believe in yourself, work very hard and don’t limit yourself to the heights you can go for the things you can do, thirdly don’t be afraid to fail because when you fail you learn new stuff, failure is not the end of the world, it inspires you to do better and you learn to not do it that way again, four looks for support, a good support system is very important for anyone to be it someone who is trying to grow a business, someone who is going through depression, someone who is really trying to find out can I do this, can I try this thing, so support systems are very important and five love God, love your family, contribute towards your nation as much as you can.”

When asked about women representation in different spheres of life, Henshaw said, “Only internationally, like we have Director, World Trade Organization, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Deputy secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina J. Mohammed, we have a lot of female leaders outside, we have very few a sprinkling of women leaders in strategic positions okay we have the finance minister, we have women affairs but what about the Governor, what about the Vice President, we have women who are chairman of huge boards, first bank so many institutions but we want to go higher, we want to get to that level because good women I will qualify it please because we have seen some bad eggs will bring to the table a lot of experience, empathy, hearts, and stability.”


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