2 great reasons NEVER to steam your vagina

2 great reasons NEVER to steam your vagina

It’s not uncommon to see ladies ‘steam the vagina’ to get it to ‘smell nice’, ‘keep it good shape’ and generally ‘cleanse it’! Some ladies even go as far as sticking things into it or diluting the hot water (steam) with herbs and more to ‘clean it inside out’ but it’s time to stop!

ALSO READ: “I steam my vagina to cleanse my uterus” – Gwyneth Paltrow

The vagina is self cleansing so there’s usually no need to overly clean it! The vagina restores its own PH balance all by itself meaning even soaps especially perfumed/scented/medicated should not be used on it. It’s best cleansed with water (and to go the extra mile with very mild soap)

A lot of ladies sit of steam usually mixed with antiseptic and others to cleanse the vagina and the uterus inside out, more like a steam douche on the vagina which many ladies believe help balance the vagina PH/hormone level but it’s not true.

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There are two great reasons to stay away from vagina steaming:

1. Destroying Vagina’s ‘Good Bacteria’

Steaming the vagina can entirely disrupt the hormonal balance and the natural bacteria in that region. There are ‘good bacteria’ necessary to cleanse the vagina and when their functions are disrupted this could result in imbalances and even infections.

Clean the vagina with water and in extreme cases mild, unscented soap, NEVER douche. Eat more yoghurt, fruits et al to keep the area smelling fresh and retain the good bacteria.

2. Burn

Since steaming the vagina requires hot water steam, there’s every tendency to burn oneself and that’s not even the heat felt while sitting over the steam!

The vagina can be burned while steaming and this goes past the physical as it could get so bad that the lining between the bladder and rectum (where the vagina sits right next to) and can cause a whole lot of serious health issues.

ALSO READ: Tom Ford shares ’10 Commandments of Grooming’

To ensure a clean and nice smelling vagina, toss tight pants, tame pubic hair, wear more cotton down there to allow the vagina breathe, never use anything perfumed down there and keep it clean all the time by rinsing with water.

NOTE: If you MUST steam the vagina, do this under strict supervision by professionals or be extremely careful

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