Fauci Whines To Chelsea Clinton That The ‘Phenomenal Amount Of Hostility’ He’s Facing Is ‘Astonishing’

Fauci Whines To Chelsea Clinton That The ‘Phenomenal Amount Of Hostility’ He’s Facing Is ‘Astonishing’

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, whined to Chelsea Clinton in a new interview this week that the “phenomenal amount of hostility” that he endures is “astounding.”

Fauci Whines To Clinton

“I’ve been the object myself of a phenomenal amount of hostility merely because I’m promoting what’re really fundamental simple public health principles,” Fauci said while appearing on Clinton’s podcast. “That seems astounding that that would generate a considerable degree of hostility, but it is.”

Fauci said this when he was asked about how to rebuild trust in science in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he admitted that the solution to rebuilding public trust is elusive to him.

“I don’t know the answer to your question,” Fauci said. “It’s a seemingly simple question, but a complicated answer. We’ve got to reach out to people and get them to understand that this is for their own safety, their own health and also what I refer to as communal responsibility, your responsibility to society.”

Related: Fauci Says Attacks On Him Are ‘Attacks On Science’ Itself

Republicans Slam Fauci

This comes after emails were released that called Fauci’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic into question. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) have each voiced concerns over the Wuhan lab’s possible connection to the virus.

“Well, I think because we’ve seen the media line, which Dr. Fauci has, unfortunately, promoted over and over, which is the idea that the Wuhan lab was involved in COVID-19 in a way was false, that’s what they’ve said over and over. You’re a conspiracy theorist, they said,” Hawley told Fox News on Thursday.

“Dr. Fauci has said, you know, this was a naturally originating virus,” he continued. “We shouldn’t ask questions. It turns out, Tucker, there are a lot of really legitimate questions, and I mean, a lot of really legitimate questions about the involvement, the potential involvement of a lab. We need to get to the bottom of it.”

Related: Report Shows U.S. Government Lab Thought Wuhan Lab Leak Was Plausible Back In May 2020

“Dr. Fauci, by the way, knew very well,” Fauci added. “His emails tell us he knew in January of 2020 that there was a possible lab connection there. Of course, he also knew about his connection to gain-of-function research at that same lab, and yet he was dishonest about it and continues to be dishonest about it. That’s a big problem.”

This piece was written by James Samson on June 12, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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