GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Says Insane Republican Party Is Crashing And Burning

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Says Insane Republican Party Is Crashing And Burning

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) called his party’s anti-vaccine stance insane, claimed that it will get Americans killed, and the GOP is crashing and burning.


Rep. Kinzinger said on CNN’s State Of The Union:

It’s absolute insanity. What President Biden said and maybe he could have said it slightly different was, we’re willing to come to your house to give you the vaccine. At no point was anybody saying they’re going to break down your door and jam a vaccine in your arm despite your protest. This is outrage politics that is being played by my party and  it’s going to get Americans killed. 

We are on a — our party has been hijacked. My party has been hijacked. We can put out this outrageous stuff on Twitter. Yeah, I’m getting all these retweets and everybody knows me. I’m famous but this plane is going to crash into the ground. If you’re a Republican voter do not listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene. The vaccine is safe. Covid is real. Get vaccinated. Because if you are going to listen to the outrage, by the way, in March, she’s bragging about Donald Trump creating the vaccine and now she’s saying basically the vaccine is going to kill you.

 I call on leader McCarthy. I call on every leader in the Republican party to stand up, say get vaccinated, and to call out these garbage politicians. These absolute clown politicians playing on your vaccine fears for their own selfish gain. 

The Republican Party Is Crashing And Burning

The base of the Republican Party, white evangelicals and voters over age 75, is vanishing. The House Republican Leader has sold himself to supporting a fascist takeover of the US government. The Republican Party has been remade in the image of Donald Trump, which means that it has no core values and principles outside of destroying democracy to restore the former president to power. It only seeks to spread fear and divide because that is how they believe they will win.

The Republican Party is nosediving, and killing off their own voters with anti-vaccination disinformation is evidence that Republicans have moved from being a political party to being a cult.

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