With No Sense of Irony Whatsoever, Anti-Masker and Covid-Denier Lauren Boebert Claims U.S. Has Entered a "Perma-demic"

With No Sense of Irony Whatsoever, Anti-Masker and Covid-Denier Lauren Boebert Claims U.S. Has Entered a “Perma-demic”

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) claimed that the United States has entered a “perma-demic” and assailed political “tyrants” after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that most counties in the country should resume mask-wearing to curb the spread of Covid-19.

We might as well start calling this a Perma-demic,” Boebert said. “Permanent masking. Permanent state of emergency. Permanent control. “This will go on until the American people just say enough is enough. The tyrants aren’t giving this up!”


Boebert’s comments came after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that some people vaccinated for Covid-19 should resume indoor mask-wearing in parts of the country that have seen a surge in cases. The recommendation marks a reversal of a policy announced just two months ago and comes amid more reports of breakthrough infections with the Delta variant of the virus in people who were fully immunized.

She also made her statements with no sense of irony whatsoever, refusing to acknowledge the role she has played in hindering the stagnating vaccination effort.

Earlier this month, for instance, Boebert called medical professionals “Needle Nazis,” invoking the Holocaust and Nazism to criticize the Biden administration’s efforts to vaccinate as many people as possible against Covid-19.

“Biden has deployed his Needle Nazis to Mesa County,” she tweeted. “The people of my district are more than smart enough to make their own decisions about the experimental vaccine and don’t need coercion by federal agents. Did I wake up in Communist China?”

Last month, she targeted Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, claiming that he “betrayed” America to get former President Donald Trump out of office. How? She did not say––she merely contributed to the number of baseless claims that has turned a public health emergency into an exercise in political polarization.

Boebert has repeatedly claimed that Fauci lied about the pandemic’s origins and has, along with Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) led a campaign to fire him. Greene, for her part, once introduced a “Fire Fauci Act,” legislation that would reduce Fauci’s salary to $0.

Both women have asserted that the coronavirus, the virus that causes Covid-19, was created in a lab in Wuhan, China.

A draft study associated with a group founded by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon is giving new life to social media claims that the coronavirus was manufactured intentionally in a Chinese lab,” the Associated Press reported last year after conducting a fact check.

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