Whitemoney becomes Hypo most hygienic housemate week 1

Whitemoney becomes Hypo most hygienic housemate week 1

For week 1, Whitemoney garnered the highest number of impressions, making him emerge the most Hygienic Housemate for the very first week.

According to Brand Manager, Hypo Bleach – Mr. Akintayo Akinseloyin who disclosed that most hygienic Housemate will emerge every week. This is a way to encourage everyone that keeping the environment clean and disinfected is quite rewarding and should be considered as one of the most important aspect of healthy living.

Congratulations Whitemoney for distinguishing himself as the most Hygiene conscious of the week and we hope others will emulate his passion for cleanliness and hygiene spirit.

For further information and updates on hygiene conscious housemates (#HypoHygienemeter and #DisinfectwithHypo ), pls follow @hypogowipeo.

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