Australia's Unvaccinated Are Now Second Class Citizens - Can It Happen Here?

Australia’s Unvaccinated Are Now Second Class Citizens – Can It Happen Here?

For a country of people that perhaps many Americans and the rest of the world has always seen as a hearty, independent society, the people of Australia have allowed their leaders to turn them into a nation of scared, locked-down, jittery subjects.

On Tuesday, New South Wales State Premier Gladys Berejiklian stated that, even once the draconian, extreme COVID restrictions that have been put in place in Australia begin to ease beginning in December, those who remain unvaccinated could face social isolation.

To see it happen in a Western, liberal democracy is stunning. So can it happen here?

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Freedom For The Vaccinated, Ostracizing For The Unvaccinated

Premier Berejiklian has said that government officials have a prepared “roadmap” to begin loosening restrictions for vaccinated Sydney residents starting on October 11 and going to December 1 when the state of New South Wales will lift all restrictions.

For the great unwashed unvaccinated, it’s a different story.

Berejiklian stated that many shops, restaurants, and other entertainment venues will remain off limits to unvaccinated citizens. She said, “A lot of businesses have said they will not accept anyone who is unvaccinated. Life for the unvaccinated will be very difficult indefinitely.” 

It is expected that pubs, cafes, gyms, and hairdressers will open to the vaccinated only, when 80% of the adult population is vaccinated. 

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Fighting Back Against Insane Restrictions

Not just in New South Wales, but all over Australia, ridiculous restrictions are being placed on citizens for a small amount of positive cases. For the city of Melbourne in the state of Victoria, life there goes something like this:

In Melbourne, there is a 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew. If you want to leave your home, you have only a few options – shopping for essentials, work, or getting vaccinated. 

People may gather in groups of five. There is good news, the distance you will be allowed to travel from your home will be increased from 10 kilometers (whatever that means) to 15. Mask wearing is mandatory everywhere but in the home. No visitors in your home.

School remains virtual for some children. Restaurants and cafes have a seating limit of 30 people outside, 10 inside. In Melbourne, essential retail such as grocery and drug stores are open. All others are closed.

That’s right now, for the vaccinated. In the future, that’s forever for the unvaccinated, to hear the warnings from Australian politicians.

There are pockets of resistance. If you peruse social media, particularly Twitter, you can see a whole host of videos of police beating the ever-living crap out of old men, women, you name it for the crime of being outside without a mask or permission from the government.

Here’s just one brutal example:

Last week, in Melbourne, an estimated 20 thousand people took over a major freeway to protest against the government and extreme lockdowns.

In Sydney, police were able to quell a protest planned there last weekend.

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Can America Become Australia?

While the vast majority of Americans might say “absolutely not,” wait a minute.

Last week, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul attended a church service where she urged those who were vaccinated to “be her apostles.” The religiosity of the moment cannot be ignored. 

This following the announcement that that as many as 72,000 health care workers could be fired for refusing to be vaccinated. 

Fired, and replaced with members of the military.

President Joe Biden recently blamed unvaccinated people for the continuation of the pandemic saying,

“My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see? We have made vaccinations free, safe and convenient. The vaccine is FDA approved. Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least one shot. We’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us. So please, do the right thing.”

On Wednesday, YouTube announced that they will ban all vaccine “misinformation,” about not just approved COVID vaccines, but any approved vaccine. YouTube said it was also removing channels of “several well-known vaccine misinformation spreaders.” 

You no doubt know at least one, if not many people who have been banned or censored on social media for unapproved opinions.

To be sure, we aren’t Australia. There’s a whole host of cultural and political differences we have. 

But Australia also isn’t China. We are more like Australia than we are different. 

The question doesn’t have an answer – yet. 


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