Rudy Giuliani Throws Trump Under The Bus On The Big Lie

Rudy Giuliani claimed that he was only following orders when he represented Donald Trump in election fraud lawsuits.

Rudy Giuliani Now Says He Trump Ordered Him To Represent Him

Via Business Insider:

In a newly released deposition transcript, Coomer’s attorney, Charles Cain, asked Giuliani if he was ever paid to represent the Trump campaign. Cain noted that Giuliani said in a sweaty, conspiracy-theory-filled November 19 press conference that he was representing both Trump personally and the Trump campaign.

Giuliani replied that he was not paid to represent the campaign and had only been reimbursed for his expenses, according to the transcript. Cain then asked Giuliani why he would represent the Trump campaign without compensation.

“The president — the president ordered me to do it,” Giuliani replied.

Giuliani Is Trying To Blame The Big Lie On Trump

Rudy Giuliani is already broke and under federal criminal investigation, but it appears that he is trying to get out of any legal liability for the Big Lie by blaming it all on Donald Trump.

By suggesting that he wasn’t paid, Giuliani may also be trying to make the argument that he really wasn’t Donald Trump’s lawyer.

The Trump administration wasn’t the military. Rudy Giuliani was a private citizen. If Trump “ordered” him to act as his lawyer, Giuliani could have told him to kick sand.

The Trumpers are turning on each other. Donald Trump has hung Rudy Guiliani out to dry, and Trump’s former lawyer is trying to escape a more than $2 billion lawsuit by blaming the former president.

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