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InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos

InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos

It’s been an incredible journey for us. Today, 2nd of November, 2021, we are happy to announce the official launching of the new InstantExchangers outlet, which is located at Okun Ajah, Opposite Atican estate, Lagos.  The new outlet is a primary home for not just InstantExchangers but for other establishments such as JostPay. JostKYC, Autolot7, Cargo71, JasparH, Bababid, and Think Enclave.

InstantExchangers Introduces New Coin Services, whatever coin you want to buy, sell or exchange be it Perfectmoney, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Paypal, Bitcoin Cash, Webmoney, Payeer, Litecoin, Skype credit, Monero, Ripple, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, ADVcash USD, Ethereum Classic, Perfect Money EURO, Skrill USD, NairaVault Funds, Binance Coin BNB, Tether ERC20 – USDT, NEM – XEM, Stellar – XLM, TRON – TRX, Polkadot – DOT. Shiba Inu – Ethereum Network ERC20, Tezos – XTZ, Cardano – ADA and lots more We will process



InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos


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Buy USDT, Sell USDT. Buy Perfect Money, Sell Pefectmoney. Buy Binance Coin, Sell Binance coin BNB.

Instant Exchangers is a leading digital and cryptocurrency service provider in Nigeria specializing in the buying, selling and exchanging of Perfectmoney. Bitcoin. Ethereum. Paypal. Bitcoin Cash. Webmoney. Payeer. Litecoin. Skype credit. Monero. Ripple. Dogecoin. Dash. Zcash. ADVcash USD. Ethereum Classic. Perfect Money EURO. Skrill USD. NairaVault Funds. Binance Coin BNB. Tether ERC20 – USDT. NEM – XEM. Stellar – XLM. TRON – TRX. Polkadot – DOT. Shiba Inu – Ethereum Network ERC20. Tezos – XTZ. Cardano – ADAand other kinds of crypto currencies. Visit for more info; Buy Perfect Money and Bitcoin | Sell Perfect Money in Nigeria


InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos


Jostpay offers fast exchange of Bitcoin, PerfectMoney, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Dash, ZcashLitecoin and BitcoinCash to Local Currency across all local banks in Nigeria.

Send money | Bitcoin, litecoin & bitcoin cash wallet | Buy and sell

JostKYC is a highly developed screening application that helps businesses erase identity management risk, by verifying the real identity of your website users through a secure, fast and seamless process.

Autolot7 is an auto retail space which deals with the sales of all kinds of  tokunbo cars.


 InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos


Cargo71 is an auto mechanic workshop specialized in body work, oven spray painting, Servicing and upholstery


InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos


JasparH is a unique date application that helps you find a suitable date partner in your vicinity.  it is available on Android Google play store.

Think enclave is made for all Nigerians at home and abroad that wants to see changes in the way things operate in the Country, we have made this platform interactive such that; new users can register, members can comment on a solution, also, members can suggest a better scope to which a solution can be


Did you know you can buy as low as 10$ worth of bitcoin from instantexchangers


InstantExchangers introducing Easy and Quick Transactions via Whatsapp


 InstantExchangers Lauches New Outlet in Okun-Ajah Lagos


InstantExchangers, has introduced an easy, fast and live transaction via WhatsApp , which enables customers to perform crypto currency and digital currency transactions and enjoy real-time customer service from their mobile phones


Customers can enroll by simply adding the verified WhatsApp mobile number 09035899595 on their mobile devices.


This new development provides the convenience for customers to perform financial transactions, change financial to crypto currency and digital currency transactions, check their registration and verification status, and as well as report any complaints.


Commenting on the new development, the Chief Executive of InstantExchangers , Mr. Obayomi Olubowale said: “This new development is driven by the need for additional means of communication with our customers as we strive towards our goals of becoming the most customer-centric company”.


Buy Shiba Inu from instantexchangers, Sell Shiba Inu in Lagos. Buy Shina Inu in Nigeria, Sell Shiba Inu in Lagos, Buy Shiba Inu in Lagos.

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