Actor Alesh Sani has warned women against falling for scammers demanding for their n,**es while claiming to be him. He shared a screenshot of a Whatsapp exchange between a woman and a man posing to be him. The scammer had sent the lady a message claiming to be Sanni and proceeded to ask for her nude. According to Sanni, the woman sent them and was disappointed she got blocked afterwards. In a video Sani shared later, the woman accosted him and challenged him for blocking her she sent her n**es. In a plea for his female fans not to fall for such scam, Alesh via his Instagram page, wrote;For real I wont talk about this anymore . You people are so daft to fall for whosoever claim to be me dont use your OBO as giveaway period . Cos I will never share n*de ”The post Dont use your OBO as giveaway Actor Alesh calls out women who fall for scammers demanding their n$ds while claiming to be him appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
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