Adam Schiff Drills Republican Hypocrites For Opposing $2,000 Stimulus Checks That Trump Supports

Home Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) hammered Republicans for caving to each Trump whim however $2,000 stimulus checks.

Chairman Schiff tweeted:

The opposition to the $2,000 survival checks is a stain that Republicans will carry with them for for much longer than subsequent week’s Senate runoff elections in Georgia. The American individuals are going to neglect how Republicans within the Senate bent to each want apart from the one that will have offered hundreds of to thousands and thousands of Individuals who’re going through starvation and probably homelessness.

Senate Republicans virtually universally stayed silent as Trump has lied about election fraud. They refused to convict the impeached president when he tried to extort Ukraine. The Senate Republican majority has alternated between working away when requested about Trump’s feedback and enabling him.

Trump needs the Senate to cross $2,000 stimulus checks for his personal egocentric causes, however that doesn’t imply that after 4 years of kowtowing, excuse-making, and enabling, it’s not hypocrisy for the GOP to say no now.

Chairman Schiff was proper. Republicans will defend something that Trump says or does with the exception of trying to help Americans.

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