As Crime Rises, The Squad's Cori Bush Wants To Replace Police With ‘Community-Led First Responders’

As Crime Rises, The Squad’s Cori Bush Wants To Replace Police With ‘Community-Led First Responders’

Even as crime surges in many cities in America, Democratic Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) plans to introduce legislation that would replace police officers with “community-led first responders.” 

NBC News reported on Monday, “The People’s Response Act would establish a Division on Community Safety within the Department of Health and Human Services that would call upon nonpolice first responders for emergency situations stemming from mental health issues, substance use or other health complications.”

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Bush’s Bill Comes In The Wake Of Surging Violent Crime In Major American Cities

“The division would be tasked with funding and coordinating research and offering grant programs to promote ‘non-carceral, health-centered investments in public safety’ on the state and local level,” NBC News noted.

“The Squad” member’s bill comes in the wake of violent crime surging in major American cities, including New York City, Philadelphia, Portland, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Bush Claims She Is Actually Doing Something About Law Enforcement Reform Instead Of Just Talking About It

This spike in crime doesn’t seem to worry Bush.

Bush told NBC News, “What this will do directly is save lives. What we will have done is change the culture, removing their crisis care from one that has to deal with law enforcement to one that actually works with the providers that would take care of them normally, people that understand what they’re facing.”

“From the very beginning, my team engaged with local community groups all over the country about this legislation,” Bush said.

The Democrat continued, “People would have meetings and talk about activists and policing and protests, but they wouldn’t bring the actual people on the ground to the table.”

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Bill would ‘Limit People’s Encounters With Law Enforcement…’

“So that’s something I wanted to make sure I did differently,” Bush added. “We have people involved who were locally based in St. Louis and in other parts of the country.”

Bush’s co-sponsors include Democrat Reps. Jan Schakowsky, Pramila Jayapal and fellow Squad member Ayanna Pressley. 

The bill vows to “limit people’s encounters with law enforcement by funding community systems led by health officials, to respond to mental health emergencies, rather than police.”



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