Bernie Sanders Praises Biden For Making The Government Work For Middle Class Americans

Bernie Sanders Praises Biden For Making The Government Work For Middle Class Americans

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) praised Joe Biden on Tuesday for signing the historic American Rescue Plan into law last week and showing the country that the Democratic Party is the party of the middle class.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Sen. Sanders said if Democrats continue to embrace an agenda geared toward working folks, they will win more elections and maintain control of the House and Senate.

“They are actually paying attention to the needs of the American people,” Sanders said. “That is what the Democratic Party has got to continue to do.”

He added, “If we do that, we’ll transform this country and we’ll become a political force that will not lose control of the House and the Senate.”


Sen. Sanders said:

What was so important about this legislation is not only the 1,400 bucks. Not only beginning effectively to deal with the pandemic. Not only cutting childhood poverty in half. Not only getting money to states and cities who desperately need it. Not only extending unemployment. Not only developing great summer programs for our kids, community health centers all over this country will be expanded. It is that and much more. It is finally seeing the United States Congress taking a hard look at the problems facing working families and responding rather than listening to corporate lobbyists, rather than listening to wealthy campaign contributors. They are actually paying attention to the needs of the American people. And that is what the Democratic Party has got to continue to do and if we do that, we’ll transform this country and we’ll become a political force that will not lose control of the House and the Senate.

Biden is helping the middle class and uniting the Democratic Party

Donald Trump spent four years trying to appeal to working class Americans – particularly those living in midwestern states – without actually doing anything to help them. He hoped racist dog whistles and cultural debates were enough to keep them in the MAGA corner.

Biden is doing just the opposite by turning off the political bluster and simply showing the American people that government can be responsive to the needs of the middle class, especially at a time of unprecedented crisis.

Not only has Joe Biden achieved a historic legislative victory for the American people, but Bernie Sanders’ praise shows that he has united the Democratic Party in the process.

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