Biden Totally Shuts Down Peter Doocy’s Claim That He Underestimated Putin

Biden Totally Shuts Down Peter Doocy’s Claim That He Underestimated Putin

Fox News’s Peter Doocy tried to suggest that Biden underestimated Putin, but the President shut him down.


Doocy asked after Biden announced new sanctions against Russia, “Did you underestimate Putin, and would you still describe the way you did in the summer as a worthy adversary?”

The President replied, “At the time, I made it clear he was an adversary. I didn’t underestimate him. I have read almost everything he has written. You heard the speech he made, almost an hour’s worth of speeches as to why he’s going to Ukraine. He has much larger ambitions. He wants to re-establish the former Soviet Union. That is what this is about. I think that his ambitions are completely contrary to the place where the rest of the world has arrived.”

Peter Doocy either doesn’t know what the word underestimate means or he is hoping that Fox News viewers don’t know what the word underestimate means.

President Biden was criticized by some before the invasion for overstating the potential of Russia invading Ukraine.

Biden did not underestimate Putin. The President has been telling the world for weeks that Russia was planning on invading Ukraine.

Biden’s analysis has been on the money.

If anything, Fox News has enabled and underestimated Putin by cheerleading for him on their primetime programming. Doocy was trying to turn the Russian invasion of Ukraine into a Biden failure, and the President stopped his talking point dead in its tracks.

The Republican Party, Trump, and conservative media are actively trying to undermine the US response. Biden has shown strength during the worst European crisis since World War II.


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