Democrats Now Want To Expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene From Congress Entirely

Democrats Now Want To Expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene From Congress Entirely

House Democrats on Friday will introduce a resolution to expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) from Congress.

The reasoning given is some of her past social media postings, the same ones Democrats already used to remove Greene from her committee assignments. 

Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) will introduce a “privileged” resolution, allowing it to come up for a vote at anytime. A two-thirds supermajority is required to expel a member of Congress, meaning Gomez will need significant Republican support for his expulsion resolution.

Currently, he has the support of 72 Democrats.

Greene was quick to respond to Gomez and Democrats, “There is nothing more threatening to Democrats than strong Republican women! Democrats are trying [to] overturn the will of the American people who voted for both myself and Congresswoman Miller-Meeks. This is a continuation of the House Democrats’ war on women!”

In her statement, Greene referenced Iowa Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who won her seat by just six votes. The election was certified, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has signaled support for looking at unseating Hart.

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Greene No Stranger To Controversy

Marjorie Taylor Greene was elected to Congress in November, and quickly made a name for herself as an outspoken freshman member.

In February, she was stripped of her committee assignments for some comments that she “liked” on social media and some of her posts. She was also called out by liberal Democrats for beliefs in “conspiracy theories.”

Among some of her more questionable online actions were, in 2019, she “liked” a comment in a thread that said “a bullet to the head would be quicker” when discussing the removal of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

She has also expressed support in the past for the Qanon conspiracy theory, which she later disavowed, and Democrats and the media accuse her of making racist comments.

Of her statements regarding QAnon, Greene said, “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true, and I would ask questions about them, and that is absolutely what I regret.”

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The Latest Dust Up

The most recent contention involving Greene came after a speech she gave at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. In the comments made during her speech, Greene appeared to refer to Guam as a foreign country.

“We believe our hard-earned tax dollars should just go for America, not for what? China, Russia, the middle east, Guam, whatever, wherever.”

On Monday, roughly 20 National Guard troops from Guam, led by Democrat Rep. Michael San Nicholas (D-Guam) marched to Greene’s office. 

Greene called the action “a political stunt,” but according to a report in the Military Times, National Guard officials insisted that the march to Greene’s office was not a political statement, but an effort “to raise awareness about their operations.” 

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Why Do Democrats Seem So Afraid Of Marjorie Taylor Greene?

As a newly elected member of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene is largely politicaly powerless – especially since she was removed from her committees.

Her supporters see her as part of a new breed of young, America First Republican lawmakers. And while she has not been there long enough to sponsor much legislation, Democrats and establishment Republicans seem threatened by her and others like Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fl) who are not afraid to speak their minds.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) called her “a cancer” for the GOP in a reference to her “looney lies and conspiracy theories.”

Sen. Mitt Romney said, “I think we should have nothing to do with Marjorie Taylor Greene, and I think we should repudiate the things she said and move away from her.”

We have seen that when Democrats don’t like something they try to shut it down. Marjorie Taylor Greene just might be the next item on the cancel culture list. 


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