Departing Brian Williams Gets Praise From Colleagues For 'Telling The News Straight' Despite Fabrications

Departing Brian Williams Gets Praise From Colleagues For ‘Telling The News Straight’ Despite Fabrications

Long time NBC fixture Brian Williams announced on Tuesday that he is leaving the network in December when his current contract expires. Williams has been with NBC for 28 years.

What’s drawing interest, particularly among conservatives and proponents of unbiased media, is the praise Williams is getting for all his years on the air. 

If you recall, it wasn’t long ago that Williams was moved from the big time on NBC to the junior leagues at MSNBC for inventing fake news.

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Lovefest At NBC

Williams of course praised his colleagues at the network, “Good friends were in great supply at NBC. I was fortunate that everyone I worked with made me better at my job. I’ve had the best colleagues imaginable. That includes great bosses.”

And they in turned praised him. NBC Senior Political Analyst Ashley Parker said, “there is no one better than Brian Williams.” 

The accolades continued with NBC and MSNBC News political analyst Philip Rucker lauding Williams for his “rigor, compassion, and a bias for truth and accountability.”  

RussiaGate obsessive Rachel Maddow also chimed in.

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Brian Williams’ Fake News

Brian Williams’ colleagues may only have his recent body of work to draw from, and possibly were in college or even high school when another side of Brian Williams was presented.

In 2003, Williams served a six-month suspension from NBC after he reported being aboard a helicopter that took on rocket-propelled grenade fire in Iraq. That was fake news. Williams was actually in a separate helicopter that could have been as much as an hour behind those that were hit.

The tall tales do not stop there. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged a good portion of New Orleans. Williams headed into the danger zone, but it may have not been as dangerous as he wanted everyone to think.

Williams claimed that while reporting from New Orleans, dead bodies floated past him as he stood outside his hotel in the French Quarter. Unfortunately for Williams, Dr. Brobson Lutz, a former city city health director, was helping to man an EMS trailer that was a block from his house in the French Quarter. He said, “We were never wet. It was never wet.”

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Faking ‘Unbiased’ Reporting

There seems to be no end to the praise and fake awards that the media will present themselves.

Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace recently won an “award” for “unbiased journalism” from… The Panetta Institute for Public Policy.

Panetta, that name rings a bell. It should, Leon Panetta was Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, and Barack Obama’s CIA Director and Defense Secretary. Unbiased?

And while every now and then, you will see a glimmer of presenting both sides of a political story from Wallace, he made it quite clear that he was no fan of former President Donald Trump.

In fact, Wallace could barely contain himself when speaking about the speech given by former First Lady Michelle Obama at the 2020 Democrat convention where he described her as having “flayed, sliced and diced” Donald Trump.

He equally huffed and puffed about Joe Biden’s inaugural speech, describing it thus, “I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard.”

Brian Williams said he is unclear as to what he will do next. No word on whether he will write a book to recall his “exploits” in journalism.


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