Ex-Deputy Senate President's Son, Umar Mantu Dumps PDP For APC

Ex-Deputy Senate President’s Son, Umar Mantu Dumps PDP For APC

Umar Mantu, son of former Deputy Senate President Ibrahim Mantu, has dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Naija News understands that the Plateau State indigene confirmed his withdrawal from the PDP in a statement on Sunday where he also pledged his allegiance to the All Progressives Congress (APC), his new party.

The statement issued by Plateau APC Publicity Secretary, Sylvanus Namang, noted that the politician defected to the nation’s ruling party with over 20,000 PDP supporters from Mangu and Bokkos LGAs.

Mantu officially joined the APC at his Chanso Ward in Mangu Local Government Area (LGA) of Plateau state.

Mantu who was described as a young and charismatic politician said he joined the APC due to the need to be in the right place to contribute his quota to the growth of democracy.

“My coming into the APC would add value to the party as I would actively play my role to ensure victory for the party from top to bottom in the 2023 general elections,” Mantu was quoted saying.

In his remark, the APC Chanso ward chairman, Malam Sadak Zakari, expressed delight over Mantu’s action, saying the defection would enhance the fortunes of the APC in Chanso Ward, Pyem Chiefdom, Mangu LGA, and Plateau at large, given the statue of a defector.

The state’s Commissioner for Environment, Elisha Shehu, praised Umar for making the wise decision to abandon the PDP in favour of the APC.

The commissioner said that given his antecedents in PDP, his joining the APC was a sure victory for APC at all levels, as he brought his political wizardry, experience, and passion into the party

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