Governor DeSantis Says Florida Could See Pro-Life Bill Like New Texas Law

Governor DeSantis Says Florida Could See Pro-Life Bill Like New Texas Law

At at news conference on Thursday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said he could support a Texas-like abortion law in Florida that bans abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, typically after the sixth week of pregnancy.

DeSantis said, “What they did in Texas was interesting and I haven’t really been able to look enough into it. I am going to look more significantly at it.”

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What It Could Mean For Progressives

The move by the Supreme Court this week to keep the Texas law in place could make progressives nervous, if states with Republican governors work up the courage to enact their own versions of the “heartbeat bill.”

Florida State Senate President Wilton Simpson (R) says the state legislature does plan to consider a heartbeat bill not unlike that in Texas.

Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls said he would continue to push for tougher abortion laws, much like the “disability” abortion ban introduced in the statehouse in April. Simpson said, “It’s something we’re already working on.”

The law prohibited a doctor from performing an abortion if they knew a woman was seeking the procedure based solely on a disability or potential disability found in the baby.  

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Left Furious With Supreme Court Decision

The Texas law that the Supreme Court has said can remain in place, and has House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Joe Biden, and the rest of the left in an uproar, upholds a ban on any abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected.

Nancy Pelosi called it a “cowardly, dark-of-night decision,” and vowed to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act when the House reconvenes. That bill would codify the Roe v. Wade decision into law, making it harder to overturn.

Joe Biden said that the law “blatantly violates the constitutional rights of women.” 

MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace could be the one having gone furthest off the rails over the Texas law.

She claimed that anti-abortion laws that are passed by Republican “male governors in Florida and Arizona and Texas” were like reaching “deep into the uterus of a woman.”

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Ironic Twist

While Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, who describe themselves as “devout Catholics,” and spent Thursday promising to fight against pro-life legislation, it fell to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to run cover for the President.

During the daily press briefing, Owen Jensen, reporter for the Catholic News Network EWTN, asked Psaki, “Why does the President support abortion when his own Catholic faith teaches abortion is morally wrong?” 

Psaki repeatedly answered that Biden believed that abortion was a woman’s decision between her and her doctor. It was Jensen’s follow-up question that unraveled Psaki. Jensen asked, “Who does he believe then should look out for the unborn child?” 

At that, Psaki lost it and snarked back at Jensen, “I know you’ve never faced those choices, nor have you ever been pregnant. But for women out there who have faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing. The President believes their rights should be respected.” Jensen again tried to follow-up but Psaki was done with him.

Pelosi has also gotten her share of suggested hypocrisy over her self-described piety.

In July, the Archbishop of Pelosi’s home town of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone said very plainly, “no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it.”

As many as 11 other states have attempted to enact a Texas-like law, but they have been temporarily blocked or declared unconstitutional.


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