Here Are The 7 Investigations The GOP Is Planning For The Biden Administration If They Take Back The House

Here Are The 7 Investigations The GOP Is Planning For The Biden Administration If They Take Back The House

The GOP is planning multiple investigations into the Biden administration should they take back the majority in the House of Representatives in 2022.

Axios has confirmed the plans, obtained exclusively by the outlet, saying House Republicans have already “begun mapping aggressive probes of the Biden administration.”

They state that House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy “plans to beef up staff, counsel and other resources to be ready to extract information beginning Day 1 if the GOP gets the gavel.”

Axios, however, frequently described as a more level-headed and unbiased outlet, suggests that the investigations are little more than an attempt to take the focus off of the Democrats’ Capitol riot probe and “to stoke culture wars for 2024.”

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GOP To Commence Biden Investigations

Axios is reporting that there are seven investigations into the Biden administration the GOP is seeking to commence on Day 1 should they take back the House.

They include:

  • IRS.
  • National Security Agency.
  • Parents.
  • Border.
  • COVID.
  • Afghanistan.
  • JEDI.

Most of these are familiar to anybody who has been observing the state of our country since Biden entered office.

The Afghanistan withdrawal, for example, led to a suicide bombing killing 13 service members, a retaliatory drone strike by the United States that killed 10 civilians – including an aid worker and 7 children – and hundreds of Americans being left behind in the Taliban-controlled country even to this day.

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More Scandals

The other scandals under the Biden administration are equally noteworthy.

The crisis at the southern border continues to worsen with more than 173,000 illegal immigrants apprehended last month according to preliminary reporting.

That marks the highest total for November in the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) history.

Another potential investigation will include the White House working in tandem with the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to brand parents concerned about their children’s education ‘domestic terrorists.’

A letter sent on September 29th by the NSBA and coordinated with the White House and DOJ requested an investigation into whether or not confrontations from outraged parents regarding mask mandates or Critical Race Theory (CRT) curricula amounted to a violation of the Patriot Act.

The group suggested that “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The Patriot Act was designed primarily to stop the threat of Islamic Jihadists.

Yet another Biden investigation could center on the origins of a COVID pandemic the President vowed to “shut down.” 

The others might be a little more obscure to the casual observer. 

An IRS probe would investigate the leak of a “vast cache of IRS information” about billionaires to ProPublica. The NSA would address Fox News host Tucker Carlson alleging his show’s communications were targeted by the organization.

JEDI, Axios writes, involves “a disputed cloud-computing contract.”

The outlet notes that McCarthy has already made moves indicating the investigations are coming down the pike.

The Minority Leader has allegedly sent “preservation notices” to departments throughout Biden’s Cabinet, “ordering them to retain documents that might be needed for future GOP oversight hearings.”


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