How often should a couple have sex?

How often should a couple have sex?

How do you know for certain the amount of sex you and your spouse have is normal?

First of all, the frequency with which a couple has sex varies between persons, but research has shown on average, people have sex at least once a week and 54 times a year.

People in their 20s have more sex, about 80 times a year. However, it decreases as they age.

However, psychologists say that some couples have sex as much as 14 times a week and others just once a week.

Ultimately, it all depends on what each couple wants.

The point of sexual intercourse between the couple is to be satisfied. Each couple has to find a time that’s suitable for them.

What if I want sex but my partner doesn’t?

One of the major issues that couples face when it comes to sex is that their libido doesn’t match. One person might feel like they have a higher libido than the other.

A way to go around is to about this is to have conversations about sexual expectations and to seek to please our partners and ourselves too.

Are you overwhelmed at work and so too tired for sex? How can you both reignite the spark? What can your partner do to make you more open to sex?

Dissatisfaction with sex is one of the major issues that plague most marriages, and open conversations about sexual needs are important. Couples who have fulfilled sex lives are happier.

Also, engage in more foreplay. Penetrative sex can be stressful. Oral sex, dry humping, kisses and other forms of intimacy should not be neglected.

Should a couple have spontaneous sex?

Yes, when you are dating sex can be spontaneous but marriage comes with its responsibilities. It’s fine if you plan a time for sex. Come up with a sex timetable if you wish.

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