The Big Lead

Ian Eagle Has Proof That You Should Never Drink Soda Around Tom Brady

We all know Tom Brady is a health nut to a pretty insane degree. But lest you think he doesn’t care what others ingest, you’d be wrong. Brady is supremely judgy, as Ian Eagle found out first hand.

During an appearance on this week’s SI Media Podcast with Jimmy Traina, Eagle recounted a story where Brady saw him drinking a Pepsi at 9 a.m. It wasn’t normal behavior for Eagle, but he needed caffeine and doesn’t drink coffee. So he pounded a Pepsi to help gain a bit of energy. Brady, then with the New England Patriots, saw him and wouldn’t let up about it. He even remembered the incident a few weeks later.

Here’s the story:

That’s hilarious. Brady shaming an exhausted man for having a Pepsi and a donut and repeatedly reminding him of it is incredible. Also the fact that Brady has never had soda is insane. Just crazy human behavior.

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