Instruction is a stretch for most of us. Maybe start at listening to her opinion. Many can’t even stand their wife having a different or opposing opinion. Their word must be law or else they will be shouting about how they are the head. But we forget one thing— your wife is the body. If she does not cooperate or if you treat your body anyhow, you cannot get far in life as the head cannot move itself forward to prosperity. Even if you are prospering as warlord commander-type husband, just know that you should be far ahead in life from where you are right now if you valued your wife’s opinion because na body dey carry head. The power to be helper to her husband is from above so even if she be illiterate, as your body, only she can perform that purpose of advising or moving you forward. Another woman cannot. Also remember that you cannot be shouting at your body to behave itself when it is the brain or head that is damaged by stroke that is the cause of the body’s behaviour. If the head is correct, the body will act accordingly. But many of us act like a stroke patient that beats his body for being unable to perform. Being head is not just to issue commands. It also includes taking responsibility for how your lawfully-wedded body acts. So many men are suffering into knowing it is for rejecting their wife’s advice or treating her badly by joining themselves to another body. God created one woman to be one man’s helper. The word helper in Hebrew also connotes “opposer.” Your wife’s godly work is to have a different opinion or see things from other angles which masculinity was not designed to see and can never see without the aid of his feminine woman. And only one woman. Have you ever seen a head with two or more bodies? One of them must suffer while the other is favoured. And the entire being is disfigured. Very grotesque and bodies permanently on opposite sides. So is the head of a home who is openly or secretly joining himself to another woman. There is a pattern and order to everything created, including human beings..The word “rival”, translated from Hebrew “tsarah”. It means “to be in distress.” It is first used in the Bible to describe the relationship between wives in polygamous households. Hannah and Peninah. Don’t let all these secret or open polygamists deceive you. The hell and distress that they are experiencing you cannot imagine. Having money makes it easier because everybody can easily mind their business, but even then, rival means what it means. Distress. If you have not already entered such either via babymama or whatever, just be thankful and pray for a spouse that will be a helper to you because that is the only way to guarantee a good marriage. It is a gift of grace.