Joe Biden Masterfully Avoids Trump’s Trap While Backing Police Reform

The Biden marketing campaign issued a press release the place they assist the brand new Democratic police reform invoice however oppose defunding police departments.

Right here is the Biden camp assertion:

Biden is true. Real progress will come from reform legislation. Phrases like defunding the police are political footballs for the partisan courses that get tossed round on cable information and social media making it harder for actual coverage reform to occur.

The concept that calls to defund the police are solely good for Trump was a hackneyed standard political knowledge trope that doesn’t match the present panorama of the election. Joe Biden advantages from the calls to defund the police as a result of it offers him the political actual property to name for probably the most complete police reform invoice in historical past whereas increasing his heart lane.

Former Vice President Biden is aware of what he’s doing, and within the early phases of the final marketing campaign has revealed himself to be the perfect candidate to run towards Trump and his model right-wing extremism.

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