5 reasons why 'King of Boys: The Return of the King' is a must-watch

KOB: Eniola Salami Vs her demons

Brilliantly portrayed by Sola Sobowale, Eniola Salami’s character arc garners disdain as well as empathy.

Claiming a respectable seat in the highest ranks of power after growing up in an orphanage is no easy achievement. Alhaja Eniola Salami has it all. Money, Influence, Fame & two grown children to love. Everything she ever desired. But Eniola’s flaws are enough to see her family and empire go down the drain. Her greed, obsession with vengeance, and need for validation eventually lead to her downfall.

After suffering the death of her two children and having to flee to the united states in exile to lick her wounds. In those soul-crushing moments is when she puts her life choices on review.

This is explored with the use of an alter ego appearing as Eniola’s youth(Toni Tones). We see Eniola Salami face off with her demons, which interestingly, is herself.

Any of which Eniola Salamis’s version you lean on you cannot help but consider the thoughts and feelings of the other. There is the Eniola that wants to leave it all. And the youthful Eniola; The King of Boys! Who wants to remind her enemies and the audience what that title means.

This multi-layered character concludes she wants to be better but the world won’t let her. But is it that true? Or is Eniola Salami just not ready to let the world go and focus on her heavenly redemption? The answer is obvious to this writer.

Honestly, I have no words to express how moved I am by this story and how glad I feel that characters like Eniola Salami are finally being allowed to exist.

I also have no words to commend Sola Sobowale’s acting. Her aura dominates any scene she appears in, her body language compliments every powerful proverbial line she utters, that’s if she doesn’t use subtle eye and hand gestures to communicate them.

So many times while watching, I had to pause and give standing ovations. No Cap!

Before writing this, I finished streaming the second episode of the Seven-part sequel. That’s after binge-watching the first part that came out in (2018). I am pinching myself with suspense and speculation of what choices this unpredictable woman will be making down this plotline.

Eniola Salami’s journey In King of Boys forces us to take a moral reflection on ourselves and question the things that truly matter. As we watch her pick broken pieces of attributes while exploring layers of her personality, Whether it’s her ambition, vulnerability, affluenza, charisma, intelligence, greed or guts there are minor and major fractions of ourselves we see in her.

If you relate to Alhaja Eniola Salami’s political Conquest congrats! if you relate to her fortune well done! But if you relate to her grief, mental struggles and battle with emotional demons,

Freelance Writer, Pop Culture Critic & Storyteller.

Reach out to me Israelnisola

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