Laycon: Why I Entered Big Brother House


Laycon – 2020 Massive Brother Naija Housemate

Laycon, Massive Brother Naija lockdown housemate, has revealed that he really entered this season’s actuality present to ‘catch cruise.’

Laycon mentioned this whereas having a personal dialog with Dorathy late Thursday night time.

Although the mindset may need modified in the mean time, Laycon mentioned that originally what was in his head was simply the cruise in Massive Brother’s home.

For the time being, the Lagos-born housemate is seen by viewers and fellow housemates as one of many strongest contenders for the N85 million grand prize.

Talking, Laycon mentioned, “Me, in my head it was to return and catch cruise. The entire thing was cruise from the start. Clicking on that hyperlink na cruise carry me attain right here. I did it due to the billboard.”

Laycon is an upcoming Nigerian music rapper.

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