Lindsey Graham Announces Donation of $500,000 Towards Trump Campaign's Election Legal Battle

Senator Lindsey Graham introduced he can be donating $500,000 to the Trump marketing campaign’s authorized battle to contest vote counts in a number of swing states.

The president’s marketing campaign has refused to concede the election as they pursue litigation in states wherein they’re disputing the validity of quite a lot of ballots.

Graham boldly declared late Thursday that he’s “right here tonight to face with President Trump” as a result of it was the President who helped him retain his Senate seat.

“He stood with me; he’s the rationale we’re gonna have a Senate majority. My race was overwhelming. He helped Senate Republicans,” a grateful Graham acknowledged.

“We’re gonna decide up Home seats due to the marketing campaign that President Trump received.”

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Lindsey Graham Donation For President Trump’s Marketing campaign

Graham’s stand with the President was a welcome transfer after others have seemingly deserted Trump or have merely turned an ignorant blind eye to the potential for fraud taking part in an element within the election.

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who has an in depth historical past of turning tail when a troublesome problem presents itself, blasted Trump over his current rhetoric relating to a stolen election.

“We heard nothing right this moment about any proof,” Christie stated.

“This sort of factor, all it does is inflame with out informing. And we can not allow irritation with out data.”

The Political Insider’s Chris Barron straight confronted jelly-spined Republicans like Christie in a recent column.

“Both you stand with the overwhelming majority of your celebration in demanding that each single legally forged poll is counted,” Barron challenged, “otherwise you stand in opposition to them.”

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The FEW Republicans Standing Up For Trump

Excluding Graham, there have been only a few Republicans talking up in protection of the President.

Ronny Jackson, a former White Home physician who received his race to signify Texas’s 13th Congressional District, urged Republicans to face up and struggle for the person who helped them win throughout the board in Tuesday’s election.

“RINOs within the Republican Occasion must STAND UP for President Trump and struggle again in opposition to the Democrats and their election fraud,” he tweeted. “This election is simply too necessary!”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in contrast the shortage of religion on this yr’s election to a ‘third impeachment’ attempt by Democrats.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) defended the President’s efforts to guard election integrity and slammed Fox Information for his or her horrible election evening name of Arizona.

Rep. Paul Gosar has been on the entrance strains in Arizona because the contentious counting battle continues to wage. 

Turning a blind eye to what’s taking place and has occurred to President Trump for 4 years is a recipe for catastrophe for the Republican Occasion sooner or later.

A minimum of there’s nonetheless a handful of Republicans on the market with the backbone to struggle again.

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