Man captured on video begging his wife

Man captured on video begging his wife’s sister for s3x before attempting to force her to sleep with him (watch video)

A woman killed her husband by burning him, stupid LIB women still blamed him and some rejoiced over his death like they normally do here when news of women kill men which is often gotten on LIB, but they will call for this man’s head for trying to sleep with his sister in law. These stupid women will be shouting equality. They want the law to be compromised when women commit crimes like murder, rape of boys, maltreatment of children, but want the law to take its cause when men are falsely accused. Stupid women without sense. If we mention DNA test, you will see them having heart attack and will still give stupid excuses like if the man has low speem count, mumu women, some of them are so fat, with their big stomach and fupa like Toyota muscle😂😂😂😂😂😂. The guy DID NOT WANT TO RAPE HER, Linda nor get sense. Towards the end, the girl was trying to remove her clothes, so you see, women eeeehh. Men go do DNA test oo.

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