Marjorie Taylor Greene Readying Articles Of Impeachment For Biden Over Afghanistan Fiasco

Marjorie Taylor Greene Readying Articles Of Impeachment For Biden Over Afghanistan Fiasco

Firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has announced that she is drafting articles of impeachment for President Joe Biden over his disastrous handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Greene first broke the news on former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s “War Room Pandemic” podcast on Monday.

Greene told Bannon, “I have my team right now working on articles of impeachment. Because I’m so disgusted with Joe Biden. You know I’ve already filed one set of articles of impeachment. But his failure as a president is unspeakable.”

RELATED: Nikki Haley Says Biden ‘Humiliated America’ – ‘Destroyed’ All We’ve Accomplished In Afghanistan In 20 Years  

Biden Not Presidential

Greene, an ally of Donald Trump, praised the former president for his reaction to the Afghanistan debacle, saying, “President Trump right now is more presidential and he’s not even in the White House than Joe Biden can ever be or stand up to in the past seven months.”

Greene also referenced the massive amounts of military hardware being left behind by the United States.

She speculated as to whether the Biden administration was somehow making payment to the Taliban in the form of the abandoned equipment.

“I wouldn’t be surprised at all if [the Biden administration] are paying the Taliban. After all, they are paying them with weapons, vehicles, Blackhawk helicopters because the Afghan army is handing them over as fast as possible.”

It’s been reported that the Taliban has taken control of an unknown amount of U.S. military hardware following the total collapse of the Afghan army – including guns, armor, armored vehicles like humvees, helicopters, and even airplanes.

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Democrats’ Gift Of Weapons To Taliban Takes Away Gun Control Argument

Greene also spoke with Steve Bannon about liberal Democrats’ constant drumbeat of gun control, and how the Biden administration no longer has any argument for gun control after practically gifting the Taliban with, in what some cases are, state-of-the-art weapons of war.

“Anytime any Democrat ever speaks to America about gun control again, and they want to talk to you about your AR-15, you tell them right now how many weapons and how many semi-automatic weapons did you hand over to terrorists in Afghanistan, to the Taliban, ISIS and possible Al-Qaeda before you ever talk to Americans about gun control.”

RELATED: George W. Bush Breaks His Silence About Afghanistan – Sends Message To American Troops

Republicans Eviscerate Joe Biden On Afghanistan

From President Trump on down, Republicans and even some Democrats have heaped heavy criticism on Joe Biden and his administration’s complete bungling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In a statement, Trump called on Biden to resign saying, “It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy.”

On Hannity, Trump ripped Biden: “I don’t think in all of the years our country has ever been so humiliated. I don’t know what you call it, a military defeat or a psychological defeat. There’s never been anything like what’s happened here.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated, “The exit, including the frantic evacuation of Americans and vulnerable Afghans from Kabul is a shameful failure of American leadership.”

And it’s not just Republicans. 

Three Democrat-led Senate committees have vowed to investigate Biden’s withdrawal disaster. 

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Menendez said, said, “To see this army dissolve so quickly after billions of dollars in U.S. support is astounding. The American and Afghan people clearly have not been told the truth about the ANDSF’s capacity and deserve answers.”

This is not the first time that Marjorie Taylor Greene has drawn up articles of impeachment on President Joe Biden.

One day after being sworn into office, the first set of articles of impeachment accused Joe Biden of abusing the power of the office of the Vice President by allowing his son Hunter to sit on the board of a Ukranian energy company.


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